Rock, Scissors, Chocolate…

I know what you’re thinking.  William is losing his edge.  What’s with all this boring couch napping?  Even the puppies (Quick! How many can you find?) seem over it.

Oh, blah - another couch nap...

I wouldn’t have chosen this picture if it weren’t for the one I found that had been taken just minute before.

William's Naptitude cannot be defeated

For most people, just like rock beats scissors and scissors beat paper and…well…we won’t start with the whole thing about paper beating rock.  When it comes to children and sleep, it’s like “Nap beats crabbiness and crabbiness defeats mom’s chocolate stash and the chocolate buzz defeats the nap.”

Well, we are game changers here at Chez Snooze.

Paper no longer smothers rock and, let me tell you folks, chocolate does not defeat nap.

I’m off to have a Red Bull.  Later, folks.

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